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Stop Wasting Time And Start A Marketing Funnel

Apr 26

You can make money online by selling products.

You will need a marketing funnel if your goal is to sell as many of your products as possible.

Marketing funnels are an effective method of capturing as many visitors as possible and getting them to make a purchase. It is all about creating an environment of curiosity, creating a connection and confidence.

If you are doing this correctly the visitors will become more accustomed to you. This could lead to increased conversions and higher profit.

Why isn't everyone using a Funnel

90% of internet marketers aren't doing this at present.

A great way to explain why a sales funnel is essential, let's think of a scenario for a moment. Imagine someone pleading with you on the street offering to purchase an expensive watch for $5,000. You are 99.9% likely to decline the offer.


Because you don’t have any idea of them. You're not prepared to invest this amount of money. You're probably not in a position to buy a watch... The list of possibilities goes on.

When you're an internet marketer who has a site which is focused on selling, selling, selling, that's exactly how you come across. Your audience doesn't know you as a marketer, and they're not yet ready to purchase.

A sales funnel, however, implies that you'll focus not on selling but rather on obtaining their contact information, and then gradually increasing their involvement and selling them more expensive items.

You'll gain trust over time and they'll be more likely to purchase more of your products.

If you decide to try and sell them that course for $2,000, you'll be able to succeed.

This is a method that the sales industry has been able to recognize for decades. This is the way you market high-end products, and that's the way to increase your profits.

A funnel is an online marketing tool that allows you to funnel all of your marketing activities into one established method. This funnel converts prospects or leads into paying customers or team members. It is possible to use the internet to make sure prospects are interested in your material.

How do your life and work be different if you were willing to spend time talking with people who are satisfied that you called them? It would be a life changer, wouldn't you think?

Here's the top 5 reasons why you should have an online marketing funnel

1.Branding. Your marketing funnel online can be utilized to market yourself rather than others. Marketing online isn't about your company or system. A funnel that is personalized with your name, picture and story identifies you as a leader. This will instantly establish you as a leader and is a GREAT thing!

2. Professionalism: A personalized marketing funnel can help you appear professional from the first glance. Maybe you've been in the business for more than a year or perhaps you're just beginning with your first impressions, but the first impressions count. When sending someone to your site, if they like the layout and ease of transitions they take, it gives the impression that you are an individual who is proud of their work and not an amateur!

3. Utilize: A funnel can improve your time management skills! A funnel's power is the fact that it can operate 24 hours, 7 days per week, without having to take a break. Once you have established the funnel, you can shift to other tasks like content creation as well as lead generation. Even when you aren't at work, your funnel is still earning you income. Imagine having a virtual assistant!

4. Commissions: Because your funnel never stops functioning sales and leads continue to show up in your emails. This brings me to step 4 which is your commissions. Your marketing funnel has been designed to earn you money in a way that is automatic. It doesn't matter whether you promote an item to your audience. Your emails and products are meant to help them solve their problems. Because you've got this set up, you can still make money from commissions as long as as you continue to drive new traffic through the funnel.

5. Happy Buyer: When leads go through your funnel, it's a seamless process that lets them purchase. They are interested in the services you offer, so you can get what they need. Everyone's happy. Because they get exactly what they need and want, they feel content with the purchase. They don't suffer buyer's regrets a few days/hours after.

For more information on the ways I'm planning my content marketing, check out the following link.

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